Sarita Adams

Performance, System Projects & Improvement Consultant

Sarita has over 25 year’s experience working across multiple public and private sectors and brings her hands-on experience and real case studies that reflect her broad and rich career from the frontline to the Executive Board.

A veteran strategist, commissioner and programme manager working across the NHS landscape, public health, the police, and crime commissioner worlds and local government, Sarita understands how to “do business” across sectors and has developed a strong reputation for delivering successful complex projects through effective collaboration.

Sarita speaks on social impact and collaborative models at national events, including the CIPFA conference, and Local Government Roundtables and is currently leading a system change approach to rough sleeping in Derby and managing a project to deliver a multi-agency information-sharing around vulnerability. She brings a refreshing, pragmatic and reflective approach to collaboration with others who may or may not have the same priorities and who may exhibit behaviours that make effective, necessary collaboration a real challenge.


Scott Sammons


Sandra Miller