Confident Communication for Women in the Workplace
Increase Your Credibility, Impact, and Personal Power at Work
Chaired by
Anne Walsh
Sorry, we don’t have any upcoming dates available for individuals.
All of our training courses can be tailored specifically for your team or organisation and presented at your offices, at another suitable location or virtually.
If you’re reading this, it’s likely you want to learn how to communicate with power, impact and confidence, right? Well, you’re in the right place.
The aim of our course is not to tell you to correct your communication “weaknesses,” it’s to help you make changes to subconscious communication behaviours that can undermine your confidence and knowledge at work.
We know there’s no “best” communication style for every workplace interaction, however our long-standing Confident Communication for Women in the Workplace course has helped hundreds of professionals develop and embody the skills needed to communicate with confidence and credibility.
Through innovative role-play scenarios in various communication settings led by Vocal Communications expert, Anne Walsh, dive into numerous communication styles and language choices that explore communicating from a position of knowledge and confidence.
Leave the day with a transformative toolkit full of performance-based techniques involving the body, breath and voice, helping you to exert a more commanding presence.
What Have Previous Delegates Said?
"The course was really informative but also enabled people to put the physical techniques and theoretical models learnt into practice during break out sessions which was really valuable" - Marketing Manager, Loughborough University
“Fabulous interactive morning with lots of hints and tips; particularly following the role plays, which the majority dread but were really useful in smaller groups, with the ability for other delegates and Anne to give personalised feedback” - Rochdale Boroughwide Housing
“Great course, lots of learnings to apply at work” - Head of Financial Planning and Analysis
“I would highly recommend this course for both men and women, specifically as it provides useful insider tips on how to speak with confidence and changes to behavioural aspects” - Associate Director, Clarion Housing
Anne Walsh is a Dialect, Voice and Vocal Communications Coach with extensive one-to-one and group business coaching experience in the private, corporate, public and charitable sectors with clients from the fields of Finance, Law, HR, Music, Publishing, Politics, Property, Local Government, Psychotherapy, Science, Medicine, Media, Art, Health and Well-being, IT, Teaching, Accountancy, Consultancy, Interior Design, Fashion, Journalism, Research, Secretarial and Administration, Higher Education (Lecturers and MA\PhD students.)
She was Voice and Communications Trainer at the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama from 2008-2012 and designed and delivered in-house training in London, nationally, and in Europe, ...
Anne Walsh
Learning Outcomes
Develop the ability to be assertive and dynamic
Practice different communication styles to deliver maximum impact
Leave with the confidence to create a positive attitude towards change
Learn innovative voice and speech techniques to maximise your presence
Attain powerful performance techniques for building status and credibility
Understand how your choice of language can create new and varied outcomes
All the Understanding ModernGov
courses are Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certified, with
signed certificates available upon request
for event.
Enquire About In-House Training
To speak to someone about a bespoke training programme, please contact us:
0800 542 9414
09:25 - 09:30 Registration
09:30 - 10:15 Generating Presence – the Science Behind It
How to build a resonant, physical presence
Create the conditions for credibility
10:15 - 10:45 Be Present to Have Presence!
Owning and naming your strengths and positive attributes
Role-play: Presenting yourself from a position of healthy self-esteem
10:45 - 11:45 Developing the Toolkit
Practise and deliver a line from a speech back to the trainer and the wider group to receive bespoke coaching.
Understand how body, breath and voice = personal power
Voice and vocal performance skills – pitch, pause and pace for maximising credibility
Acting as if: Performance skills for high-status credibility
Role play: Archetypal high-status – the language of rhetoric
11:45 - 12:00 Morning Break
12:00 - 13:00 Finding Your Feet to Speak Up in Meetings
Role play: Speaking with clarity of intention and impact in meetings
13:00 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:30 Promotion: Speak to Your New Team: Role Play Exercise
Understand resonant versus dissonant leadership
Flexing between different communication styles: flexibility is the key
How to avoid self-sabotage in your language
Reading your team – understanding their communication preferences
14:30 - 14:45 The Power of Persuasive Language: Rhetoric
Be more persuasive by using rhetoric
Understand what rhetoric to use
14:45 - 15:00 Afternoon Break
15:00 - 15:15 Establishing Presence and Flexibility in Your Communication Styles: Risking Spontaneity
Risking spontaneity
15:15 - 15:45 Stepping Up and Owning Your Status
Identify best practices to support preparing for an interview
Understand what it means to be present in the moment to communicate in ways that are both flexible and spontaneous
15:45 - 16:00 Action Planning
Build a practical plan going forward
Identify areas where you are stuck – consciously welcoming change
Recognise and name your strengths and weaknesses with objectivity
Select achievable goals and objectives stemming from your learning on the course
16:00 - 16:15 Feedback, Evaluation and Close
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