Storytelling to Influence: Speaking and Presenting

Improve the Power of Your Communication

Previously Chaired by
Sandra Miller

Sorry, we don’t have any upcoming dates available for individuals.

All of our training courses can be tailored specifically for your team or organisation and presented at your offices, at another suitable location or virtually.


People invest time in hearing a story. Whether you want to influence key decision-makers or develop a stronger rapport with your audience, telling a story helps you convey essential pieces of information in a relatable, memorable and humanistic way in a professional environment.

By examining the stages and structure of storytelling, and how you can apply it to your organisation, our Storytelling to Influence: Speaking and Presenting course explores useful techniques that enable you to hook your audience and become a more powerful verbal communicator.

Through a range of practical exercises, led by RADA trained, Sandra Miller, leave the day knowing how to make a lasting impression in the workplace.

What Have Previous Delegates Said?

  • "Excellent course, the leader was very personable and easy to talk to, loved every minute of it!" - Head of Communications, Crown Commercial Service.

  • "Sandie is a very professional, knowledgeable woman but also incredibly personable and warming. She made everyone feel valued and like that had individual time with her. A very engaging and enjoyable course with some brilliant take away" - Announcement and Engagement Manager, Department for Transport

Sandra Miller

Communication Skills Training Consultant

Sandra Miller is a RADA trained Actor and now works extensively in the corporate sector providing coaching, consultancy and training in communication skills.

Her area of specialist expertise covers Presentation Skills, Interview Techniques, Handling People in Difficult Situations, Storytelling and Influential Communications.

Her clients include many ‘blue chip’ organisations including the BBC, BBC Worldwide, Bristol Water, Friends Provident, Financial Reporting Council, Unilever, Vocalink, Elavon Merchant Services etc. In the public sector clients include the NHS and many District, Borough and City Councils and Universities including working with Politicians and Academics and Civil Servants.

Learning Outcomes

  • Make a more powerful impression in meetings and presentations

  • Relay information in an experiential manner for greater impact and understanding

  • Use compelling stories to appeal to listeners’ emotions and drive your points home

  • Win over, influence and gain the trust of key stakeholders, service users and colleagues

All the Understanding ModernGov
courses are Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certified,
with signed certificates available
upon request for event.

Enquire About Tailored Team Training

0800 542 9414


09:00 - 09:30 Registration

09:30 - 10:00 Trainer’s Introduction and Clarification of Learning Objectives

10:00 - 11:00 Introductions - Telling your Story

  • Understand the importance of introductions when it comes to storytelling

  • The importance of attention to detail

11:00 - 11:15 Morning Break

11:15 - 12:00 The 7 Basic Story Plots

  • Defining the seven plots of every story ever written

  • Adapt the 7 plots to communicate your message

12:00 - 13:00 Useful Structures

  • Understand the difference between order/chaos/reorder

  • What makes a good beginning, middle and end?

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 14:30 The Opening

  • Learn how to use the ABCD techniques to create a memorable and impactful start to a story

14:30 - 15:00 Use of Language

  • Learn how to utilise language when telling a story

  • Practice using emotion and tone

15:00 - 16:00 Spontaneous Storytelling

  • Storytelling in action

16:00 - 16:15 Feedback, Evaluation and Close

  • Effective Report Writing, Senior Engineering Specialist, Eastleigh Borough Council

    “This course provided an excellent understanding of how to write effectively and why it is important to do so.”

  • Effective Proofing and Editing Skills: Senior Events Officer, King's College London

    “I would really recommend the course. Sue is a fantastic trainer and the day passed by far too quickly. Lots of helpful resources to take away, also very impressed with the smooth transition to online learning. Thank you!

  • Effective Data Visualisation: Corporate Performance Management Officer, Carmarthenshire County Council

    “I have learned a great deal with many tips and ideas to enable to improve the authority’s reports”

  • Effective Business Process Mapping: Internal Quality and Improvement Officer, Social Work England

    “It was a fun course to take a part in. There was a lot of information given, and it was done in an engaging way with lots of interactivity, even over zoom. i really enjoyed the course and learned lots from it.”

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