Coaching and Mentoring Skills

Inspire and Engage

Previously Chaired by
Jonathan Bottomer

Sorry, we don’t have any upcoming dates available for individuals.

All of our training courses can be tailored specifically for your team or organisation and presented at your offices, at another suitable location or virtually.


Effective coaching and mentoring skills are essential for successful leadership in the public sector. By understanding and developing these skills, you’ll benefit from a more confident, satisfied and engaged team with increased motivation to achieve shared goals.

Our Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Leaders course will uncover what effective coaching and mentoring looks like, how to use tools and simple techniques to implement new coaching skills and how to build rapport swiftly with team members.

Leave the day with a better understanding of coaching and mentoring models and how to use them. Learn to unlock your teams potential, challenge limiting thoughts or beliefs and create a culture of social learning.

Management Consultant

Jonathan is a Certified Management Consultant and a member of the Institute of Business Consulting (an organisation within the Chartered Management Institute), the professional body for Business Consultants. He currently works as a Consultant at the Department for Work and Pensions.

Jonathan specialises in helping local authorities (and DWP’s Agencies) improve their effectiveness and efficiency of the administration of Social Security Benefits.

Jonathan Bottomer

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn how to use specific coaching techniques to develop others

  • Develop transferable mentoring skills

  • Embed a culture of professional and personal development

  • Create a opportunities for social learning

  • Understand the main tools and techniques associated with both coaching and mentoring

All the Understanding ModernGov courses are Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certified,
with signed certificates available upon request for event.

Enquire About In-House Training

To speak to someone about a bespoke training programme, please contact us:

0800 542 9414


09:25 - 09:30 Registration

09:30 - 10:00 Trainer’s Welcome and Clarification of Learning Objectives

10:00 - 11:00 Developing Coaching and Mentoring Skills

  • When should we coach and when should we mentor?

  • Understand the difference between coaching and mentoring

Using the key skills of:

  • Listening

  • Questioning

  • Language style

  • Using intuition

  • Building rapport

  • Providing feedback

  • Overview of the GROW coaching and mentoring model

11:00 - 11:15 Morning Break

11:15 - 12:45 Embedding Coaching and Mentoring Tools

Practice the GROW model in Action Learning Sets, discuss and learn about the importance of contracting with the coachee/mentee and learn some additional coaching and mentoring techniques:

  • The rule of 3

  • Perceptual positioning

12:45 - 13:45 Lunch

13:45 - 15:45 Coaching and Mentoring Models: Developing the Techniques to Embed Them (Flexible Afternoon Break)

In this interactive session, develop key strategies for embedding the following coaching and mentoring techniques:

  • The stop model

  • The coaching circle

  • The precision model

  • The NIP model for feedback

15:45 - 16:00 Feedback, Evaluation and Close

  • Effective Report Writing, Senior Engineering Specialist, Eastleigh Borough Council

    “This course provided an excellent understanding of how to write effectively and why it is important to do so.”

  • Effective Proofing and Editing Skills: Senior Events Officer, King's College London

    “I would really recommend the course. Sue is a fantastic trainer and the day passed by far too quickly. Lots of helpful resources to take away, also very impressed with the smooth transition to online learning. Thank you!

  • Effective Data Visualisation: Corporate Performance Management Officer, Carmarthenshire County Council

    “I have learned a great deal with many tips and ideas to enable to improve the authority’s reports”

  • Effective Business Process Mapping: Internal Quality and Improvement Officer, Social Work England

    “It was a fun course to take a part in. There was a lot of information given, and it was done in an engaging way with lots of interactivity, even over zoom. i really enjoyed the course and learned lots from it.”

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